
Our Sponsors

The financial, In-Kind, and project support provided by our sponsors are directly what makes the great achievement of Spaulding Canada Possible.
We are repeatedly told by our sponsors that they find great peace in knowing that their contributions not only make a great and positive impact in our world, but they also benefit from the great exposure and other benefits afforded to them by the TIPS Media platform.
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Together As One

Together As One

Together As One has created an extraordinarily unique international banking and transaction reality that directly facilitates the financial needs of TIPS Media.
Their amazing team also offers content contribution and other expertise.
Thank you Together As One!



Creating parrot-safe (heavy metal-free) jewelry for the world is only part of how Featherwhipped positively impacts the world.
Featherwhipped also supports TIPS Media in a variety of ways.
By supporting Featherwhipped, you also are supporting Spaulding Canada.

Spaulding School Of The Arts


Spaulding School of The Arts is a multi-award-winning school that teaches far more than arts.
Their teams have not only impacted thousands of lives of the youth by providing the best and most inspiring teaching environments hands-down but their production and design teams have also helped to fulfill the visions and dreams of TIPS Media.
By supporting Spaulding School of The Arts, you are supporting TIPS Media.

Sonsor Spaulding Canada Today

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